Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eleven pipers piping....

11 days 'til Christmas... holy smokes.  I feel so rushed this year... I'm guessing it's all the things going on... birthday, Christmas parties, shopping, wrapping, etc.... I'm between panicking and sayin', "Well, it is what it is... where ever we're at with gifts is going to have to work."  Ok, and the Christmas card thought is getting pretty foggy... Brandon will be SO disappointed if I don't get those out, but I'm still on the fence with sending them.  Maybe I'll do "New Year's Greetings"....??

The big girl's birthday party was a huge SUCCESS!  Oh, my girl was in her glory.  Create, paint, design.... birthday cupcakes, presents... friends.... it was fun.  Definitely a party I would have loved as a girl too.  :)  We pick up their creations in about a week, and will deliver to their respective owners... will be fun to see them finished and the faces of the kids when they see their projects finished....  My friend Cindy, came to give Lily her gift, help me with the kids, and set up, tear down... she told me to hand over my camera and she would take pictures... and she did!  She took a ton and they turned out AWESOME.  Thank you, Cindy!!

Tomorrow is Lily's actual birth day... 7 years ago... oh, the memories...  Brandon and I both work late tomorrow, but Brandon's going to drive her into school and deliver her big birthday cookie (from Sam's) for the class to celebrate. Tomorrow night when we get home, we'll open birthday gifts (which I still need to wrap!) and Thursday, we're having the family over to celebrate again.  She's my favorite big girl.

I did finish all 100 cookies last night.  The exchange is Thursday, but I'm off, so I brought them into work today.  I'm SO glad to be done with those! 

And Friday... let the wrapping begin!  *excluding her bday presents, which will be wrapped tonight after they're in bed!

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