Monday, December 5, 2011

8:58 pm

Do not EVER go to Walmart at 8:58 pm to print pictures. Their machines "automatically shut themselves off" at 9:00 pm, and there is no way to over ride them. *insert cough that suspiciously sounds like, 'Bull$hit!'*

Oh, and the unprofessional, unhelpful girl that works in lay-away, the one that has zero customer service skills and a piercing through the side of her bottom lip... Her name coincidentally is Michelle. I told the manager on duty, I hoped that  Michelle wasn't being paid over minimum wage, otherwise, they're grossly over paying her.

FYI, Target's instant print photos machines are turned on until their doors are locked at 10:00 pm.

So that was my evening last night.... I'm over it now though.  I've boycotted Walmart for the rest of my holiday shopping.  *not really.  :)

Lily is "Star of the Week" in class today (hence my late run to Walmart) -- she's supposed to fill out a sheet about her, bring in 10+ pictures of herself, her favorite book, and three of her favorite things.  The sheet that she filled out -- she said that her birthday is 12/14, she is 6 years old, she has 1 brother and 1 sister, 2 pets, her favorite sport is Vikings, her favorite color is pink, her favorite class at school is art and music, her favorite place is with family.  *that melted my heart.  And her one wish if she could have anything:  to ride a unicorn.  I love her.

Off tomorrow, headed into Walmart to get my ingredients for my Snickerdoodles.  All 100 of them... and Grandma Donna's coming to visit.  :)

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