Thursday, December 15, 2011

Birthday celebrations - Round 3 *ding, ding!*

And tonight concludes the birthday celebrations... the 'family party'.   I just finished making her cake, still have to run into town to fill up some balloons, buy some icing and icecream... a few ingredients for the dinner we're making... ya know, nothing like last minute.  I think I work best under pressure.  That, or I just get that, 'Well, it is what it is' attitude and make due, with whatever 'it is'. 

She is excited.  She LOVES when her little cousin comes to play.  They adore each other... and we're so happy that she lives close enough that they're growing up together... We love you, Mills!

Lincoln made us the CUTEST Christmas present at preschool... it was all wrapped up in homemade wrapping paper, with Christmas stamps randomly placed all over it.... the kind that melts your heart as a parent, to think he's doing this!  I know he had help... but it's still a treasure that will be on display every year.  This year, it found a special home on the kitchen cupboard, for all to see as soon as they walk in.  <3

Also, in preschool, his class took a field trip to the middle school to listen to their choir sing Christmas songs.  His teacher sent me an email saying they were considering not taking Lincoln, even though his love for music, they were concerned he wouldn't be able to sit through the entire performance, and asked my thoughts.  Um... exclude my kid?  No.  So, I wrote back, "We have to trust your judgement as his teacher, that said -- it makes a mom's heart sad to hear that her child is not being included." He went.  And he did GREAT!  WTG, Lincoln!!  And the teacher said, "Some days I learn more than my students, and thank you for your honesty, Michelle."  Love my boy proving assumptions wrong, one at a time.  XOXOX

Lucy is napping and I have some more stuff to get ready for tonight, so I better get busy!  I'll post pics tomorrow of her last big bash! 

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