Sunday, May 10, 2015

I'm jealous

It's Mother's Day and I've had a good day...  I was able to sleep in.... my kids cleaned the house for me.... we spent the day together as a family.... what more could I ask for?

What more could I ask for..... sounds so selfish....

I read everyone's posts on Facebook today about their awesome mother's, who are their biggest supporters, give love unconditionally, are there whenever they're needed... how wonderful and lucky they are - and proud - to call their mom, their moms......

And there was a part of me that was just sad... because no matter how hard I try, no matter how forgiving I want to be... I feel jipped.

My mom is ill.  She has the biggest heart, but can flip on a dime.  She can being giving, loving, caring, and supportive... and if one thing gets bumped - I've never seen someone get so mad and nasty toward a FAMILY MEMBER.... and that woman can hold a grudge longer than waiting for the day Jesus will come back to Earth.

I've been told people that are sick, hurt the ones they love the most...

She will say anything to anyone.  I'm not excluded.  She has said things that a mother should never say to a child... and everyone's explanation is... she's sick.

It's hard to forgive sickness...  It's hard to forget what was said.  It's hard to swallow that MY MOM says those things to me, and I'm supposed to apologize to her, for making her treat me that way.  It sucks.

I hope that I don't ever go through whatever she is going through... because I pray that I will never treat my children that way.

I hope they're never jealous on Mother's Day.

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