Me and the kids are heading up North! We're charging up the camera batteries, have been telling Lily every day how many more before we leave (*FOUR more days til we go!), making a mental list of what to pack, figuring out how we're going to make the drive without Daddy... potty breaks will be eh... but we'll make it... and then WE'RE GOING TO HAVE FUN, on our weekend with our Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, 2nd cousins... and I know, good times and great memories are on the brink of happening... I'm not sure who's more excited ... me or Lily. :)
Lincoln's FIFTH birthday party this weekend was a ton of fun... he sang Happy Birthday to himself, happily and loudly. He knows that song. He was rocking it. Blew out his candles all in one breath... and he opened all of his presents by himself (one shredded sliver of paper at a time) and was being a little silly ham while opening... which had the other little kids giggling - and then he got a little side-tracked on being more silly, and less present opener... oiy. :) We got through it though, and the boy made out like a bandit with gifts. New jammies, socks, Tow Mater (from Disney Cars), new little metal cars, a Cars place mat for eating, Cars silverware, a t-ball set, a gift card for new jeans from Old Navy for school, a couple Vikings t-shirts, a school clothes shopping trip with Grandma, and cash.... SCORE! And when he was done opening everything and hollered "THANK YOU!" and decided we needed to swing.
The not-fun party of his party is that Lincoln took off three times, crossing the street and trying to walk into the (vacant) house across from us. All afternoon, I felt like my heart would go into my throat and I'd ask, "WHERE'S LINCOLN?!?!" When there are that many people there and you're trying to host, and pick up, and make sure the foods coming out to eat, and etc., etc., .... it's amazing how quickly you can lose track of him for a minute and he's gone. So the THIRD time he did it, after almost everyone had left, and it was getting dark anyway - his consequence was having to come inside. This mom can't wait to have a fenced in yard. OOOOooooo he's a turkey.
All in all, it's hard to believe it's been FIVE years ago this little man came into our world... it's been an awesome ride... so grateful to be his mama.
Celebration Boy |