Sunday, April 29, 2012

Completely unneccessary

There was a death in Kasson last night.  A 13 year old girl hung herself in her home, and her family found her 20 minutes too late.  13 years old.  Can you imagine what her family is going through?  I can't.  I don't even want to put myself in their shoes.... and it's all over bullying at school.

It's different when it happens at the school your child goes to.  You hear about it on the news.  You see it on the 20/20 shows, and how there's a "No Tolerance for Bullying" campaign going on everywhere.  Our school has a "Komet Pride" day, almost every Wednesday, when the entire school wears their blue Komet Pride shirts and it's all about "Stomping out Bullying".  And even though there is all kinds of zero tolerance, and assemblies that talk about how wrong it is, and how much it hurts, it continues to happen.

Every morning, I wake up my girl with, "Good morning, Beautiful!".  When I get her off the bus home from school, I greet her with, "Hello, Beautiful!  How was your day?"  I try to make sure she knows how much I love her and how important she is to us and our family.  But it's day like today that I wonder, am I doing enough?  Does she know without a doubt how awesome she is?  Because I can't imagine one day of my life without her.  Or any of my kids.

I remember growing up, and how mean girls can be.  I remember crying and thinking how horrible life was when I was 14.  I remember how I questioned at that time if life was worth living.  Really.  When I was 14.  Look at all I would have missed.

We can only imagine what this girl and her family will miss... how tragic.  How terribly tragic.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

10 years

10 years ago, I was 29... I was a smoker... I was in Vegas and I was just about to become a wife... we had NEVER had an argument... *hahahaha... that was true until the 1st day of marriage when we argued about what pool belonged to our hotel.  10 years later, I can finally admit, I was right... you were right.  :)

wow... how things have changed.  For the good.

10 years, three kids, a bunch of fish, two dogs... a house we've outgrown... it's been a beautiful ride.

Here's to the next 10.  You'll be up for re-evaluate then.  *just kidding.  I love you, babe.  Thanks for all you do for me, and for us.  ♥